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2021-06-25 09:07:09 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2020-07-04 23:16:35 +0000 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2020-05-15 01:01:41 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2020-05-15 01:01:41 +0000 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2019-09-10 00:45:26 +0000 marked best answer Is it possible to re-transmit only the last packet at TCP flow?

I try to understand the TCP behavior, especially re-transmission.

I did a small experiment and find the curious thing.

The only last packet is re-transmitted. Why do this happen?

I think if the last packet is time-out, then the other packets have to be time-out because All packets in the flow have same RTT and RTO.

At first, I think it is due to delayed ack. Therefore, I did a same experiment with setsockopt TCP_QUICKACK. But I saw the same phenomenon. ( But I am not sure yet, that the cause of this is not delayed ack. )

Could you give me a little help? Thank you for reading :)

For example,

[1] H1->H2 send a 1500 bytes packet

[2] H1->H2 send a 1500 bytes packet

[3] H1->H2 send a 1500 bytes packet


[n] H1->H2 send a 800 bytes packet [the last packet]

[n+1] H1->H2 re-send a 800 bytes packet [the last packet]

[n+2] H2->H1 send an ACK.

[the raw data from wireshark]

1735203 51.249349738    TCP 1514    35250 → 50021 
[ACK] Seq=16124342 Ack=1 Win=58 Len=1448 TSval=902298 TSecr=902296

1735204 51.249349999    TCP 1514    35250 → 50021 
[ACK] Seq=16125790 Ack=1 Win=58 Len=1448 TSval=902298 TSecr=902296

1735205 51.249350340    TCP 866 35250 → 50021 
[PSH, ACK] Seq=16127238 Ack=1 Win=58 Len=800 TSval=902298 TSecr=902296

1735207 51.258283589    TCP 866 
[TCP Retransmission] 35250 → 50021 [PSH, ACK] Seq=16127238 
Ack=1 Win=58 Len=800 TSval=902301 TSecr=902298

1735208 51.258288919    TCP 66  50021 → 35250 
[ACK] Seq=1 Ack=16128038 Win=32766 Len=0 TSval=902301 TSecr=902298


* Attached captured files *

Each files is the packet captured at each host.

If you don't mind, please check the files.


* Attached a captured file for understanding *

Thank you for reading!

2019-09-10 00:45:26 +0000 received badge  Scholar (source)
2019-09-10 00:45:01 +0000 commented answer Is it possible to re-transmit only the last packet at TCP flow?

Before studying your answer, I deeply appreciate you. Actually I thought whether I have to give up. But I will not thank

2019-09-06 00:51:17 +0000 commented question Is it possible to re-transmit only the last packet at TCP flow?

@Spooky Sure! I’m sorry.

2019-09-06 00:51:17 +0000 received badge  Commentator
2019-09-01 13:22:12 +0000 edited question Is it possible to re-transmit only the last packet at TCP flow?

Is it possible to re-transmit only the last packet at TCP flow? I try to understand the TCP behavior, especially re-tran

2019-09-01 08:05:58 +0000 edited question Is it possible to re-transmit only the last packet at TCP flow?

Is it possible to re-transmit only the last packet at TCP flow? I try to understand the TCP behavior, especially re-tran

2019-09-01 08:05:19 +0000 edited question Is it possible to re-transmit only the last packet at TCP flow?

Is it possible to re-transmit only the last packet at TCP flow? I try to understand the TCP behavior, especially re-tran

2019-09-01 07:45:29 +0000 commented question Is it possible to re-transmit only the last packet at TCP flow?

@Spooky I always appreciate your help. Actually the application is mininet-virtual network. it is consist of only two ho

2019-09-01 07:45:22 +0000 commented question Is it possible to re-transmit only the last packet at TCP flow?

@Spooky I always appreciated your help. Actually the application is mininet-virtual network. it is consist of only two h

2019-09-01 07:42:12 +0000 commented question Slow Response - host send a ACK packet slowly than usual


2019-09-01 07:20:06 +0000 commented question Slow Response - host send a ACK packet slowly than usual

@Christian_R I will! Thank you so much for your comment :)

2019-08-31 03:33:24 +0000 asked a question Is it possible to re-transmit only the last packet at TCP flow?

Is it possible to re-transmit only the last packet at TCP flow? I try to understand the TCP behavior, especially re-tran

2019-08-30 01:45:00 +0000 commented answer The reason a TCP connection generate retransmission

@SYN-bit Thank you so much! I don't know the concept "delayed ACK". After studying, I will do troubleshooting with it. I

2019-08-29 13:43:20 +0000 asked a question Slow Response - host send a ACK packet slowly than usual

Slow Response - host send a ACK packet slowly than usual I study the Behavior TCP and did a small experiment about TCP.

2019-08-29 13:17:43 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2019-08-29 13:17:43 +0000 answered a question The reason a TCP connection generate retransmission

I found an answer. TSO option ON at NIC card make it difficult to analyze the packets. After turning off TSP option, I

2019-08-28 14:25:27 +0000 commented question Weired TCP retransmission

@grahamb although I closed this question, I cannot open the original question due to the lack of points. Could you help

2019-08-28 14:25:18 +0000 commented question Weired TCP retransmission

although I closed this question, I cannot open the original question due to the lack of points. Could you help me?

2019-08-28 14:24:38 +0000 commented question Weired TCP retransmission

@grahamb I did! Thank you for your comment!

2019-08-28 14:23:38 +0000 commented question Weired TCP retransmission

@grahamb I did! Thank you for your comment!

2019-08-28 14:13:49 +0000 received badge  Editor (source)
2019-08-28 14:13:49 +0000 edited question Weired TCP retransmission

Weired TCP retransmission My question is why a TCP flow make a re-transmission when a network has enough link bandwidth.

2019-08-28 14:13:31 +0000 asked a question Weired TCP retransmission

Weired TCP retransmission My question is why a TCP flow make a re-transmission when a network has enough link bandwidth.

2019-08-28 04:25:40 +0000 commented question The reason a TCP connection generate retransmission

@Spooky I totally understand! :) I really appreciate you. Then could I conclude the two?, "(1) .1 host lost its packet w

2019-08-28 01:05:20 +0000 commented question The reason a TCP connection generate retransmission

@Jaap Thank you for your explanation! If you don’t mind, could you check my understanding? The host at port 50012 receiv

2019-08-27 14:56:50 +0000 commented question The reason a TCP connection generate retransmission

@Jaap I really appreciate your comment. But I couldn't understand your words, due to lack of my understanding about, may

2019-08-27 14:13:11 +0000 asked a question The reason a TCP connection generate retransmission

The reason a TCP connection generate retransmission My question is why a TCP flow make a re-transmission when a network

2019-08-27 14:12:40 +0000 asked a question The reason a TCP connection generate retransmission

The reason a TCP connection generate retransmission My question is why a TCP flow make a re-transmission when a network

2019-08-27 14:10:53 +0000 asked a question The reason a TCP connection generate retransmission

The reason a TCP connection generate retransmission My question is why a TCP flow make a re-transmission when a network