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2021-05-19 22:03:03 +0000 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2021-05-19 22:03:03 +0000 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2021-05-19 22:03:03 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2018-10-05 22:31:54 +0000 commented answer Why Does Wireshark Give Wrong IP Address?

What I am trying to do is find the IP address of cameras that I can no longer connect with. Cannot 'find'. There's dif

2018-10-05 22:30:19 +0000 commented answer Why Does Wireshark Give Wrong IP Address?

What I am trying to do is find the IP address of cameras that I can no longer connect with. Cannot 'find'. There's dif

2018-10-05 20:53:06 +0000 commented answer Why Does Wireshark Give Wrong IP Address?

You're suggesting it has two IP addresses - one for each interface. While I am too ignorant to debate that with you I

2018-10-05 20:52:33 +0000 commented answer Why Does Wireshark Give Wrong IP Address?

You're suggesting it has two IP addresses - one for each interface. While I am too ignorant to debate that with you I

2018-10-05 20:51:07 +0000 commented answer Why Does Wireshark Give Wrong IP Address?

You're suggesting it has two IP addresses - one for each interface. While I am too ignorant to debate that with you I

2018-10-05 07:47:52 +0000 edited question Why Does Wireshark Give Wrong IP Address?

Why Does Wireshark Give Wrong IP Address? It seems to me Wireshark is reporting an IP address that is wrong by one digit

2018-10-05 07:46:45 +0000 asked a question Why Does Wireshark Give Wrong IP Address?

Why Does Wireshark Give Wrong IP Address? It seems to me Wireshark is reporting an IP address that is wrong by one digit

2018-10-05 07:34:10 +0000 marked best answer How To Apply Filters?

The screen with the buttons on the bottom allowing 'apply' amongst other things that is shown in the 'help' for 'capture filters' does not show up for me.

And if I go to 'apply as filter' all those menu choices are grayed out.

image description

2018-10-05 07:34:10 +0000 received badge  Scholar (source)
2018-10-05 05:14:27 +0000 edited question How To Apply Filters?

How To Apply Filters? The screen with the buttons on the bottom allowing 'apply' amongst other things that is shown in t

2018-10-05 05:13:56 +0000 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-10-05 05:13:56 +0000 edited question How To Apply Filters?

How To Apply Filters? The screen with the buttons on the bottom allowing 'apply' amongst other things that is shown in t

2018-10-05 05:12:09 +0000 asked a question How To Apply Filters?

How To Apply Filters? The screen with the buttons on the bottom allowing 'apply' amongst other things that is shown in t

2018-10-05 05:05:10 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2018-10-05 05:05:10 +0000 answered a question Why can't Wireshark see packets on Ethernet adapter?

It looks like the answer is that it can't see packets if there are none. I posed the question because I got blank outpu

2018-10-04 09:37:52 +0000 commented question Why can't Wireshark see packets on Ethernet adapter?

ncap I think. I only installed wireshark a couple of hours ago and I let it do what it suggested - and I think it was n

2018-10-04 08:38:39 +0000 asked a question Why can't Wireshark see packets on Ethernet adapter?

Why Can't Wireshark See Packets? I have Win10. I have three network adapters listed: Ethernet Ethernet 2 Wifi I disa