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2018-07-25 17:53:45 +0000 marked best answer Suppressing unsaved-packets prompt

Years ago, possibly when it was Ethereal, one wasn't prompted to save the current capture before re/starting another capture. Is there any way to get this behavior back? I know I could screw up and lose a capture this way, but I think that's a remote possibility and would like the ability to turn this off.

2018-07-25 17:53:45 +0000 received badge  Scholar (source)
2018-07-25 17:53:41 +0000 commented answer Suppressing unsaved-packets prompt

Thank you so much! I looked over those preferences but must have missed it.

2018-07-25 17:24:44 +0000 asked a question Suppressing unsaved-packets prompt

Suppressing unsaved-packets prompt Years ago, possibly when it was Ethereal, one wasn't prompted to save the current cap