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2023-11-28 13:45:02 +0000 commented answer Display filter activation change in Wireshark 4.2.0?

It appears that we have to press the ENTER key twice after choosing an entry from the dropdown list in order to have it

2023-11-15 03:44:48 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2023-11-15 03:44:48 +0000 answered a question usbpcap cannot be found after the wireshark4.0.10 source code is compiled.

USBPcap is a seperate (Windows only) project. The USBPcap installer (like the NPCAP installer) is bundled with the Wind

2023-11-15 03:22:51 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2023-11-15 03:22:51 +0000 answered a question Established TCP Communication terminates without any clue

There appears to be a middle box somewhere between the two systems messing with some of the TCP options and perhaps drop

2023-11-10 08:55:51 +0000 answered a question back to back to back...ACKs with no SYN,ACK response

With your current capture setup you are capturing data from multiple vlans concurrently. Some of the tcp sessions are c

2023-09-30 14:07:13 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2023-09-30 14:07:13 +0000 answered a question tcpdump overlapping packets

For some reason the 'Timestamp sec' values for frames 11710 through frame 12445 inclusive jumps forward in time by about

2023-06-14 15:39:40 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2023-06-14 15:39:40 +0000 answered a question tshark packet counter disable

The tshark man page documents the -Q and -P options. For example: tshark -i en0 -Q -P > packet.log &

2023-05-12 02:08:52 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2023-05-12 02:08:52 +0000 answered a question Time Display Format

The notion of "Seconds Since Previous Displayed Packet" is based on the order of the frames in the capture file and diff

2022-09-19 14:07:48 +0000 commented question WAN NAT port forward retransmission on Reolink camera

Is this simply a case of a host based firewall running on the FTP server ( silently dropping the TCP conn

2022-09-15 18:40:16 +0000 commented question Sequence numbers for retransmitted packets staying at Zero

For those playing at home and using the capture file shared above, the problem is seen in following set of TCP streams:

2022-09-15 03:09:01 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2022-09-15 03:09:01 +0000 answered a question How to export file name using T fields

You didn't say what OS you are using. If you are using a *nix system with something like bash or zsh and your input file

2022-07-10 19:22:23 +0000 commented answer 2 packet comments to a frame

What version of tshark are you running? The ability to have multiple comments was added later? I typically run on recen

2022-07-10 16:06:12 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2022-07-10 16:06:12 +0000 answered a question 2 packet comments to a frame

It is possible to add multiple comments to a frame with editcap, but each additional comment must be added as new editca

2022-06-09 17:43:35 +0000 commented question Windows 10 stops answering TCP packets

What specific "time" value have you increased? Does the Win10 machine always appear to stall at the one hour (3600 seco

2022-03-21 06:12:59 +0000 commented answer Packet delay during PROFINET realtime communication

Coat-tailing on Christain R's answer, Are the access and core switches also used for non-PROFINET traffic? What type o

2022-03-20 13:28:30 +0000 answered a question Massive NTP v4 requests from IoT devices

From the capture you provided, none of the "Origin Timestamp" values from the server match any of the client's "Transmit

2022-03-04 20:03:34 +0000 commented answer Packet capture rate at 14,000 per second without anything running, is my PC compromised ?

In one of your videos you show the TaskManager window. The TaskManager window appears to imply that the C: drive is ISC

2021-10-15 11:10:10 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2021-10-15 11:10:10 +0000 answered a question Wireshark shows only the length column in a Wi-Fi capture

It looks as if all protocols are disabled. The Enabled Protocols dialog can be opened from the main menu as Analyze -&g

2021-06-27 21:50:34 +0000 edited answer pitney bowes firewall communication issues.

It appears that the Linksys device as a middle-ware NAT box is reframing the postage machine's traffic ultimately suppre

2021-06-27 21:42:57 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2021-06-27 21:42:57 +0000 answered a question pitney bowes firewall communication issues.

It appears that the Linksys device as a middle-ware NAT box is reframing the postage machine's traffic ultimately suppre

2021-05-29 20:36:07 +0000 commented question Why is the wlan_radio.duration field not always shown?

The Duration field is a derived value. My experience with monitor mode captures created on my macOS systems is that the

2021-05-29 20:35:25 +0000 commented question Why is the wlan_radio.duration field not always shown?

The Duration field is a derived value. My experience with monitor mode captures created on my macOS systems is that the

2021-03-23 18:22:48 +0000 commented question wrong bogus ipv4 info

Your pkt raw hex data is missing two octets in the first line. If we add data for the two missing octets between 9b and

2021-03-23 18:22:23 +0000 commented question wrong bogus ipv4 info

Your pkt raw hex data is missing two octets in the first line. If we add two data for the two missing octets between 9b

2020-11-30 04:47:38 +0000 commented question TCP Dup ACK flooding connection - macOS Big Sur <> Synology NAS

On macOS lot's of network stats are available via the CLI command: netstat -sn. But if you run this command as a normal

2020-11-01 22:53:57 +0000 commented question WiFi UDP does not show up in wireshark

A typical wireless router will have two radios supporting two Wifi channels, one in the 2.4GHz and one in the 5Ghz bands

2020-11-01 22:53:37 +0000 commented question WiFi UDP does not show up in wireshark

A typical wireless router will have two radios supporting two Wifi channels, one in the 2.4GHz and 5Ghz bands. Could you

2020-10-26 14:06:24 +0000 commented answer Machines get IP address but no connectivity - DNS issue?

I also meant to add that the DHCP dissector complains about the option 124 sent in the DHCP Discover and DHCP Request pa

2020-10-26 13:55:49 +0000 commented answer Machines get IP address but no connectivity - DNS issue?

Regarding the reported "dhcp/bootp errors", The DHCP replies sent from the server (the DHCP Offers and the DHCP ACKs) ar

2020-10-25 22:30:39 +0000 commented question Machines get IP address but no connectivity - DNS issue?

Could you have a rogue DHCP server somewhere on your local network? You reported the office as having the subnet 10.26.

2020-09-19 05:24:27 +0000 commented question SMS over SIP trunk does not work

Extract the the RTP audio (as .au files) for the Forward Streams from both the Working and Non-Working using Telephony -

2020-09-03 12:14:34 +0000 commented question What are CSM_ENCAPS ethernet broadcast packets?

Thanks for clarifying. Overlooked the "Clear the LG bit" line in the first comment. Completely agree that clearing LG "a

2020-09-02 18:32:02 +0000 commented question What are CSM_ENCAPS ethernet broadcast packets?

@ChuckC - The packet detail snippet above shows the source MAC address as 02:50:c2:3b:70:00 (a locally admin address) an

2020-05-23 05:25:02 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2020-05-23 05:25:02 +0000 answered a question Tshark frame.time format

As suggested by bubbasnmp you can use -e ws.col.Time. You can then use tshark's -t option to change the way that column

2020-05-17 14:43:15 +0000 commented question Reason for Reset from Client

It's not clear where specifically your capture was taken. Was it on the client or on some middleware device? The TTL va

2020-05-17 14:40:37 +0000 commented question Reason for Reset from Client

It's not clear where specifically your capture was taken. Was it on the client or on some middleware device? The TTL va

2020-05-13 11:08:42 +0000 received badge  Commentator
2020-05-13 11:08:42 +0000 commented question why three times DUPAcks not trigger retransmission

Merging the egress10.pcap and ingress10.pcap files together yields a more useful capture to analyze.

2020-05-13 03:53:28 +0000 commented question why three times DUPAcks not trigger retransmission

Your cloudshark link example only contains one side of the conversation, packets sent by the client.

2020-05-12 12:20:36 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2020-05-12 12:20:36 +0000 answered a question Why doesn't tcpdump's filter take effect?

Adding the -e option to the tcpdump command to display link level headers may reveal the presence of 'ethertype 802.1Q (