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2019-01-21 11:44:39 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2018-05-11 13:46:01 +0000 marked best answer wlan_mgt.fixed.action_code is showing as an invalid filter on Wireshark 2.6.0

I have 2 MacBook Pros, both with 10.13.4 - one is a 13 retina from early 2015, the 2nd is a 15-inch retina machine from mid-2015

The smaller MacBook is running Wirehskar 2.6.0 The Larger MacBook is running Wireshark 2.2.0

The problem I am having is with this filter wlan_mgt.fixed.action_code == 7.

It is showing as red "invalid" on the Mac with Wireshark 2.6 and is working fine on the 2nd Mac with Wireshark 2.2

I believe I am missing something obvious, but why is the filer valid on older Wireshark and not the newer one, was it dropped? (I think unlikely) or is there something about the version of Wireshark that is preventing me to filter on management frames?

2018-05-10 21:58:05 +0000 commented answer wlan_mgt.fixed.action_code is showing as an invalid filter on Wireshark 2.6.0

Got it, thank you

2018-05-10 21:31:49 +0000 commented answer wlan_mgt.fixed.action_code is showing as an invalid filter on Wireshark 2.6.0

Thanks, I understand the answer, but I don't see where it says "_mgmt" was dropped from wlan_mgmt on this page - https:/

2018-05-10 20:01:45 +0000 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-05-10 20:01:45 +0000 edited question wlan_mgt.fixed.action_code is showing as an invalid filter on Wireshark 2.6.0

wlan_mgt.fixed.action_code is showing an invalid filter on Wireshark 2.6.0 I have 2 MacBook Pros, both with 10.13.4 - on

2018-05-10 20:00:53 +0000 asked a question wlan_mgt.fixed.action_code is showing as an invalid filter on Wireshark 2.6.0

wlan_mgt.fixed.action_code is showing an invalid filter on Wireshark 2.6.0 I have 2 MacBook Pros, both with 10.13.4 - on