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Alexis La Goutte's profile - activity

2021-11-24 12:58:19 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2021-11-24 12:58:19 +0000 answered a question QUIC identification via version negotiation

Hi, Yes, it is supported (but no yet new version negotiation draft)

2021-11-24 12:54:35 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder
2021-11-24 12:54:35 +0000 answered a question 802.11 MSCS descriptor unable to dissect

Hi, can you open an issue with a pcap ?

2020-01-02 06:42:21 +0000 commented question QUIC protocol

Because you are using UDP 443 and it is used by QUIC (HTTP/3)

2020-01-02 06:41:31 +0000 answered a question which wireshark version would support facebook quic IETF version 0xfaceb000

Hi, Please open a bug on bugtracker with a pcap and we can look for add the support

2020-01-02 06:40:38 +0000 answered a question Quic Conversation decipher

Hi, it is for "debug" some gQUIC stack using no encryption

2020-01-02 06:39:52 +0000 answered a question wireshark supports quic version 46?

Hi, No really plan to support last Google QUIC release (move to IETF QUIC)

2020-01-02 06:39:50 +0000 answered a question wireshark supports quic version 46?

Hi, No really plan to support last Google QUIC release (move to IETF QUIC)

2020-01-02 06:38:48 +0000 answered a question [ws 3.2.0] quic handshake is decrypted but subsequent packets are not

Hi, Please open a issue on bugtracker and attach pcap and SSLKEYLOGFILE