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2020-03-30 17:19:41 +0000 commented question Does Clicking the "Stop Capturing Packets" Button return a value or modify a file?

Fascinating. Thanks for the info, I'll look into what you @grahamb and @bubbasnmp have provided and report back thanks.

2020-03-30 16:20:09 +0000 commented question Does Clicking the "Stop Capturing Packets" Button return a value or modify a file?

Fascinating. Thanks for the info, I'll look into what you (@grahamb) and @bubbasnmp have provided and report back thanks

2020-03-30 04:15:53 +0000 commented question Does Clicking the "Stop Capturing Packets" Button return a value or modify a file?

@bubbasnmp no I haven't but that sounds like a great place to start. Thank you. If this did happen would I use ps, or jo

2020-03-29 23:33:05 +0000 asked a question Does Clicking the "Stop Capturing Packets" Button return a value or modify a file?

Does Clicking the "Stop Capturing Packets" Button return a value or modify a file? I have a bash script that creates FIF

2020-03-13 17:51:30 +0000 answered a question Ubertooth bash script returns DLT_USER error

Can't use command substitution with the wireshark -o flag. Can only use wireshark -o "uat:user_dlts:\"User 0 (DLT=147)

2020-03-11 17:22:26 +0000 received badge  Editor (source)
2020-03-11 17:22:26 +0000 edited question Ubertooth bash script returns DLT_USER error

Ubertooth bash script returns DLT_USER error I"m setting up an Ubertooth to capture BTLE packets and display them in WS

2020-03-11 17:12:38 +0000 asked a question Ubertooth bash script returns DLT_USER error

Ubertooth bash script returns DLT_USER error I"m setting up an Ubertooth to capture BTLE packets and display them in WS