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Lua dissector nanoseconds since epoch

My Lua dissector needs to handle an 8-byte timestamp field that contains an integer representing nanoseconds since epoch. This is what I have so far...

ProtoField.absolute_time("s4v2_1.header.common.timestamp", "Timestamp", base.UTC)

A date-time is printed in the dissector, but it's not correct. How can I get it to correctly calculate the date-time?

Lua dissector nanoseconds since epoch

My Lua dissector needs to handle an 8-byte timestamp field that contains an integer representing nanoseconds since epoch. This is what I have so far...

ProtoField.absolute_time("s4v2_1.header.common.timestamp", ProtoField.absolute_time("myheader.timestamp", "Timestamp", base.UTC)

A date-time is printed in the dissector, but it's not correct. How can I get it to correctly calculate the date-time?