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monitor online chat via iphone/android


Is there any way to monitor online chat or any traffic that passes through my network, from a iphone or android?

asked 07 Apr '14, 07:53

Demon117's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


Where there's a will, there's a way.

Are the phones connected to your wireless access point?

If you don't have a device in your network that supports port mirroring you will need a hub or network tap behind the AP.

Please see for more details.

answered 07 Apr '14, 12:19

Roland's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

Thank you. But im a novice at this and need help. I've read the link you provided but still a little lost. I have a linksys E2500 wireless router. What will I need to do this.

(09 Apr '14, 08:49) Demon117

You need to buy some hardware. An old hub or a network tap or a switch that supports port mirroring. The hub will be the cheapest, but the port speed is usually 10MB so it can be a bottleneck if you have a high speed internet connection. An ASCII network diagram would look like this:

Client ---wifi--- E2500 ---cable--- HUB ---cable--- ISP

You then connect the PC with wireshark to the hub.

Before setting everything up you should also check if the chat software uses encryption.

(09 Apr '14, 14:52) Roland