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What does yellow color means in Package Details?


Wireshark 4.0.4 I see some yellow background color in Package Details. What does this yellow color means?

Sorry I can't upload image, because I am new user and don't have enough karma, to upload images.


What does yellow color means in Package Details?


Wireshark 4.0.4 I see some yellow background color in Package Details. What does this yellow color means?

Sorry I can't upload image, because I am new user and don't have enough karma, to upload images.karma.


What does yellow color means in Package Details?


Wireshark 4.0.4 I see some yellow background color in Package Details. What does this yellow color means?

Sorry I can't upload image, because I am new user and don't have enough karma.Sample image


What does yellow color means in Package Details?


Wireshark 4.0.4 I see some yellow background color in Package Details. What does this yellow color means?

Sample image
