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displayed packages counter differs between bottom right corner and "File -> Export Specified Packets"


The counter for the number of packages, that are displayed in the bottom right corner differs from the counter at "File -> Export Specified Packets"

I filtered all retransmitted packages and want to have the total number of the trace.

Can it be that wireshark counts one time all packages and the other time only these with payload?

Best regards, Falk.

displayed packages counter differs between bottom right corner and "File -> Export Specified Packets"


The counter for the number of packages, that are displayed in the bottom right corner differs from the counter at "File -> Export Specified Packets"

I filtered all retransmitted packages and want to have the total number of the trace.

Can it be that wireshark counts one time all packages and the other time only these with payload?

Best regards, Falk.

displayed packages counter differs between bottom right corner and "File -> Export Specified Packets"


The counter for the number of packages, that are displayed in the bottom right corner differs from the counter at "File -> Export Specified Packets"

I filtered all retransmitted packages and want to have the total number of the trace.

Can it be that wireshark counts one time all packages and the other time only these with payload?

Best regards, Falk.

displayed packages packets counter differs between bottom right corner and "File -> Export Specified Packets"


The counter for the number of packages, that are displayed in the bottom right corner differs from the counter at "File -> Export Specified Packets"

I filtered all retransmitted packages and want to have the total number of the trace.

Can it be that wireshark counts one time all packages and the other time only these with payload?

image description

Best regards, Falk.