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MATE: SS7 GSM-MAP: how to correlate msu with same OTID value

Dear Colleagues, I would need some guidance to build a mate logic to correlate SS7 (GSM-MAP) messages. The common point of theses messages is the OTID value that can be found in the TCAP Begin message (start), so , all messages having this value in OTID (Origin TransactionID) or DTID (Destination Transaction ID) field would match. The stop would be TCAP END messages. Could the below trial be workable?

Pdu ss7_pdu Transport stcp { Extract otid From tcap.otid; };

Gop ss7_req On ss7_pdu Match (tcap.tid) { Start (tcap.begin_element); Stop (tcap.end_element); }; Done;

Thanks in advance Pascal