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Why did file size become bigger after applying filtering on tshark?

Hello all,

I have a large pcap file that is ~ 5.16GB and I would like to reduce it to a smaller size by filtering out a list of ip addresses. I used the following command on tshark:

   C:\Program Files\Wireshark>tshark -r C:\Users\-\Desktop\Botnet-Training.pcap -Y "not(ip.addr== or ip.addr== or ip.addr== or ip.addr== or ip.addr== or ip.addr== or ip.addr== or ip.addr== or ip.addr== or ip.addr== or ip.addr== or ip.addr== or ip.addr== or ip.addr== or ip.addr== or ip.addr== or ip.addr== or ip.addr== or ip.addr== or ip.addr== or ip.addr==" -w C:\Users\-\Desktop\FYP\reduced.pcap

However, I got a file size of ~5.22GB instead.

Any suggestions on why?

Thank you very much