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packet contains string

So lets say I send a message to a friend on Steam, e.g. "Hello, ignore this message". Using Wireshark I would like to then search for the packet containing that string, and extract the destination IP address. I have already tried using the filter: (tcp contains "the message...") or (udp contains "the message..."). But i no packet are being displayed at all. So how would i go about do this? any answers much appreciated, thank you.

packet contains string

So lets say I send a message to a friend on Steam, e.g. "Hello, ignore this message". Using Wireshark I would like to then search for the packet containing that string, and extract the destination IP address. I have already tried using the filter: (tcp contains "the message...") or (udp contains "the message..."). But i currently no packet packets are being displayed at all. So how would i I go about do this? any answers much appreciated, thank you.