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Starent SNMP traps not decoded

Hi All,

I tried adding text file STARENT-MIB into Wireshark by means of placing it alongside all other MIBs in snmp/mibs folder under Wireshark root and then adding SMI module STARENT-MIB (it only survives Wireshark restart when the Suppress SMI Errors checkbox is checked). Even though the definitions of my OIDs and seem to be there Wireshark doesn't decode them for some reason:

starCardSwitchoverStart NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { starSlotNum, starSlotNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "<omitted>" --#SUMMARY "Card Switchover start from card %d to card %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1} --#STATE DEGRADED --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= { starentTraps 1253 } starCardSwitchoverComplete NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { starSlotNum, starSlotNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "<omitted>" --#SUMMARY "Card Switchover completed from card %d to card %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1} --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= { starentTraps 1254 }

When however I compile the same MIB in Unbrowse SNMP both OIDs are decoded correctly.

What might I be doing wrong? I don't have much experience with SNMP in Wireshark, so it could be something simple..

Thanks in advance!

click to hide/show revision 2

Starent SNMP traps not decoded

Hi All,

I tried adding text file STARENT-MIB into Wireshark by means of placing it alongside all other MIBs in snmp/mibs folder under Wireshark root and then adding SMI module STARENT-MIB (it only survives Wireshark restart when the Suppress SMI Errors checkbox is checked). Even though the definitions of my OIDs and seem to be there Wireshark doesn't decode them for some reason:

starCardSwitchoverStart NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    OBJECTS { starSlotNum, starSlotNum }
    STATUS  current
    --#SUMMARY "Card Switchover start from card %d to card %d"
    --#ARGUMENTS {0,1}
    ::= { starentTraps 1253 }
starCardSwitchoverComplete NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    OBJECTS { starSlotNum, starSlotNum }
    STATUS  current
    --#SUMMARY "Card Switchover completed from card %d to card %d"
    --#ARGUMENTS {0,1}
    ::= { starentTraps 1254 }


When however I compile the same MIB in Unbrowse SNMP both OIDs are decoded correctly.

What might I be doing wrong? I don't have much experience with SNMP in Wireshark, so it could be something simple..

Thanks in advance!