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Can wireshark be used to identify AFDX(Avionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet) frame?


I want to know, can wireshark identify AFDX protocol? Or has anybody used wireshark to analyze AFDX frame? Many thanks.

asked 04 Sep '12, 01:29

gmyun's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 04 Sep '12, 22:39

cmaynard's gravatar image

cmaynard ♦♦

2 Answers:


there is no AFDX dissector in the official code of Wireshark. So, no it cannot dissect that protocol.

Or is there somebody has used wireshark to anylise AFDX frame?

Hard to say. A lot of people/companies write their own plugins, but never publish the code. I bet, there is a AFDX plugin out there. See the following post:

Cite: I already developped 2 wireshark plugins (dll) to dissect AFDX payloads included in A380 CMS messages.

I suggest to contact the author of the plugin and ask if he can provide it to you.


answered 04 Sep '12, 02:34

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%

Thanks, I am learning AFDX Tools(a tool for sending, monitoring, filtering, recording and analysing of AFDX data)Guide, in the doc it said that"Wireshark is a free Ethernet analyzer and monitoring tool. You can use it to capture AFDX data and use the recorded file as input for the AFDX Tools." So I think maybe wireshark can be used to detect AFDX data, or maybe the data is only raw data that has not been dissected.

(04 Sep '12, 04:16) gmyun

Wireshark can capture the data as AFDX is based on Ethernet, but it cannot "interpret" the AFDX protocol. That's why you need special AFDX Tools, unless you have a AFDX dissector in Wireshark (see my answer).

(04 Sep '12, 04:33) Kurt Knochner ♦


answered 24 Apr '17, 02:49

gerasiov's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%