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Plugin not loading


I'm getting WAY more fun than just locating X11 on ML...

Couldn't load module /Applications/ dlopen(/Applications/, 10): Symbol not found: dissector_get_port_handle
  Referenced from: /Applications/
  Expected in: flat namespace
 in /Applications/</p>

asked 26 Jul '12, 17:41

IanJ's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 26 Jul '12, 19:20

Guy%20Harris's gravatar image

Guy Harris ♦♦

One Answer:


That problem is due to a plugin having been built against an older version of Wireshark that called that routine dissector_get_port_handle being run against a newer version of Wireshark that calls it dissector_get_uint_handle. Wireshark does not guarantee that plugins built against a given major release (such as 1.4.x, for various values of x) will continue to work with later major releases (such as 1.6.x or 1.8.x, for various values of x).

Note also that, as of Wireshark 1.8.0, the INTERLINK dissector is a built-in dissector rather than a plugin, and that the installer might not get rid of existing plugins, so if you installed 1.8.0 or 1.8.1 on top of a 1.4.x or 1.6.x installation, you may have an old INTERLINK plugin left around. I would suggest dragging Wireshark to the trash and re-installing it.

answered 26 Jul '12, 19:19

Guy%20Harris's gravatar image

Guy Harris ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

edited 26 Jul '12, 19:28