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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

Does Wireshark support decoding DNS-over-TLS (DoT) - RFC7858

I see that Wireshark 3.0 now has support for DoH (DNS-over-HTTPS, RFC8484), but I can't see anyway to make it decode DNS-over-TLS on the IANA assigned port (853). I can decode the raw bytes, but they are not recognised as DNS.

Please let me know if this is supported and I am just missing something.

Otherwise please let me know if there are plans to support this in future?

click to hide/show revision 2

Does Wireshark support decoding DNS-over-TLS (DoT) - RFC7858

I see that Wireshark 3.0 now has support for DoH (DNS-over-HTTPS, RFC8484), but I can't see anyway to make it decode DNS-over-TLS on the IANA assigned port (853). I can decode the raw bytes, but they are not recognised as DNS.

Please let me know if this is supported and I am just missing something.

Otherwise please let me know if there are plans to support this in future?