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esp_sa is a UAT and stored in the profile directory.
You could have a profile per esp_sa file and specify which profile to use on the tshark command line:

-C < configuration profile> Run with the given configuration profile.

image description image description

esp_sa is a UAT and stored in the profile directory.
You could have a profile per esp_sa file and specify which profile to use on the tshark command line:

-C < configuration profile> Run with the given configuration profile.

image description image description


  esp_uat = uat_new("ESP SAs",
            sizeof(uat_esp_sa_record_t),    /* record size */
            "esp_sa",                       /* filename */
            TRUE,                           /* from_profile */

esp_sa is a UAT and stored in the profile directory.
You could have a profile per esp_sa file and specify which profile to use on the tshark command line:

-C < configuration profile> Run with the given configuration profile.

image description image description


  esp_uat = uat_new("ESP SAs",
            sizeof(uat_esp_sa_record_t),    /* record size */
            "esp_sa",                       /* filename */
            TRUE,                           /* from_profile */