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Answer #1: The port number and device address correlation is negligible from practical application IMHO. That is, usually host software stack enumerates the devices in order determined by port number - this pretty much only means that when you keep rebooting the computer with exactly the same devices connected, then it is likely (but not 100% sure) the devices will get the same addresses.

Answer #2: Pretty much yes. To make it easier you can copy USBPcapCMD.exe to Wireshark/extcap directory and filter the devices to capture from using the GUI (click the icon next to USBPcapX in Wireshark interfaces list at main screen).

Answer #3: RDP shouldn't have any influence on the capture process. As I understand it, the USBPcapCMD will be running on the host server.

Filtering by port sounds like a plausible enhancement request to me. But if, who and when implements that is something I don't know.