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2024-03-29 11:56:35 +0000 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2024-03-29 11:56:35 +0000 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2024-03-28 08:21:33 +0000 asked a question NAS over NGAP ciphered - can it be deciphered?

NAS over NGAP ciphered - can it be deciphered? Hello, Is there a way in wireshark to deciphered encrypted NGAP NAS mess

2020-04-25 12:23:12 +0000 asked a question SIP over TLS recognition

SIP over TLS recognition I am able to decrypt SIP over TLS 1.2 by insertig the keys in the Wireshark Preferences. My que

2019-12-03 09:33:13 +0000 asked a question http2 recognition

http2 recognition how does wireshark know that the packet is http2? is it by port? by tls1.2 version?

2017-11-27 09:54:18 +0000 commented answer NAS over S1AP ciphered - can be deciphered?

oh, I understand

2017-11-27 07:12:15 +0000 asked a question NAS over S1AP ciphered - can be deciphered?

NAS over S1AP ciphered - can be deciphered? Hello, Is there a way in wireshark to deciphered encrypted NAS messages usin