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2024-03-02 19:10:10 +0000 commented question need help to write a small dissector

OK, I think I understand slowly the typecast philosophy. Youre right, the actual date uses only 4 Bytes.... on 06.02.20

2024-03-01 13:52:52 +0000 commented question need help to write a small dissector

this works so far: ts_seconds = ProtoField.uint64 ("sitipe.ts_seconds" , "TimeStamp seconds " ), ts_d

2024-03-01 13:51:40 +0000 commented question need help to write a small dissector

this works so far: ts_seconds = ProtoField.uint64 ("sitipe.ts_seconds" , "TimeStamp seconds " ), ts_d

2024-03-01 12:43:59 +0000 commented question need help to write a small dissector

OK, :tonumber works... Lua got his own Type... wehere: ...Lua has no integer type,... But I´m missing the decumal places

2024-02-29 19:22:57 +0000 commented question need help to write a small dissector

Hi Chuckc, yes, indeed it is a LabView timestamp. My problem isn´t to unterstand how to decode a LabView timestamp. My

2024-02-28 22:02:05 +0000 received badge  Editor
2024-02-28 22:02:05 +0000 edited answer need help to write a small dissector

not realy, but I know the meaning of each byte in the payload. The TimeStamp is contained in 2 x 8 bytes an was built i

2024-02-28 21:59:43 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder
2024-02-28 21:59:43 +0000 answered a question need help to write a small dissector

not realy, but I know the meaning of each byte in the payload. The TimeStamp is contained in 2 x 8 bytes an was built i

2024-02-28 21:06:52 +0000 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2024-02-28 21:06:52 +0000 answered a question need help to write a small dissector

not realy, but I know the meaning of each byte in the payload. The TimeStamp is contained in 2 x 8 bytes an was built i

2024-02-28 18:48:23 +0000 asked a question need help to write a small dissector

need help to write a small dissector Moin! I got some problems to understand the lua script language. I hope someone li