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Does not see wifi connection

Hey, I was sharing my wifi to my mobile phone in order to see the traffic - The Wifi works well but Wireshark does not recognize the connection - its shows me like there's not connection at all.

Need your help) Thanks - This is what I see

Does not see wifi connection

Hey, I was sharing my wifi to my mobile phone in order to see the traffic - The Wifi works well but Wireshark does not recognize the connection - its shows me like there's not connection at all.

Need your help) Thanks

Btw - It works properly when I'm connected to my computer wifi and see the MAC packets traffic. - This is what I see

Does not see wifi connection

Hey, I was sharing my wifi to my mobile phone in order to see the traffic - The Wifi works well but Wireshark does not recognize the connection - its shows me like there's not connection at all.

Need your help) Thanks

Btw - It works properly when I'm connected to my computer wifi and see the MAC packets traffic. - This is what I see