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Wi-Fi Packet Capture Best Method

I am testing AP throughput performance in an isolation chamber. I would like to use the approach that gives me the most radio-layer info (MCS, Link-rate...). What are the tradeoffs in the 2 methods: 1 - Wi-Fi client PC with wireshark "inline" capture 2 - Same Wi-Wi client, but capture packets with a separate USB sniffer "monitor mode" capture

Wi-Fi Packet Capture Best Method

I am testing AP throughput performance in an isolation chamber. I would like to use the approach that gives me the most radio-layer info (MCS, Link-rate...). What are the tradeoffs in the 2 methods: 1 - Wi-Fi client PC with wireshark "inline" capture capture. OR 2 - Same Wi-Wi client, but capture packets with a separate USB sniffer "monitor mode" capture