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Why doesn't TLS show up in protocol column?

I have two full caps from two devices talking to each other, from the same time period. In one I can clearly see there is a packet marked as 'Client Hello' in the info column, with 'TLSv1.2' in the proto column. However, the same packet from the other device (using TCP seq number to locate it) shows up as only TCP.

If I highlight the one in the capture that isn't displaying the 'TLS and Client Hello' info; right-click, select decode, change 'TCP port' to 'TLS port' and click OK it still shows only TCP.

Interesting side-note: I exported the one packet from each of the captures in case I had the option to attach them to my post, and found that when I opened the one that came from the full capture where I could see can the 'Hello Client', it now shows only TCP (and again, decoding doesn't change the display). Meanwhile, the full original capture continues to display the additional information.