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Related packet symbols in Lua dissector

Hi, I am developing a dissector in Lua for our own protocol. I was wodering if it is possible to tell wireshark which packets are related to which in a Lua dissector, so that it marks them with the different related packet symbols. For example signal that a packet is a request and another one is a response or something like that. Is that possible ?

I am thinking about the packet symbols as shown here:

Thank you

Related packet symbols in Lua dissector

Hi, I am developing a dissector in Lua for our own protocol. I was wodering wondering if it is possible to tell wireshark Wireshark which packets are related to which in a Lua dissector, so that it marks them with the different related packet symbols. For example example, signal that a packet is a request and another one is a response or something like that. Is that possible ?possible?

I am thinking about the packet symbols as shown here:

Thank you