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That looks a bit ... ugly so I set out to improve it and ran into a surprising number of PowerShell issues:

  1. There's no easy method to convert a hex string to a byte array So we need a helper function, e.g. Convert-HexToByte from
  2. Constructing an X509Certificate2 object with a byte array is tricky, hence the complicated argument list.

    # Using tshark, extract the certificate(s) to an array of hex strings. Note the display filter to select frames with a cert and the fields specifier to only output those fields and all occurrences of the field in the frame separated by a comma. The string "split" method is used to chop the output into an array of hex strings:

    $h = (tshark -r input.pcapng -Y tls.handshake.certificate -T fields -e tls.handshake.certificate -E occurrence=a -E "separator=,").split(",")

    # Create new X509Certificate2 objects from the hex strings

    $c = $h | ForEach-Object { New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 -ArgumentList @(,[byte[]]$(Convert-HexToByte $_)) }

    # Display the certs


That looks a bit ... ugly ugly, so I set out to improve it and ran into a surprising number of PowerShell issues:

  1. There's no easy method to convert a hex string to a byte array So we need a helper function, e.g. Convert-HexToByte from
  2. Constructing an X509Certificate2 object with a byte array is tricky, hence the complicated argument list.

    # Using tshark, extract the certificate(s) to an array of hex strings. Note the display filter to select frames with a cert and the fields specifier to only output those fields and all occurrences of the field in the frame separated by a comma. The string "split" method is used to chop the output into an array of hex strings:

    $h = (tshark -r input.pcapng -Y tls.handshake.certificate -T fields -e tls.handshake.certificate -E occurrence=a -E "separator=,").split(",")

    # Create new X509Certificate2 objects from the hex strings

    $c = $h | ForEach-Object { New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 -ArgumentList @(,[byte[]]$(Convert-HexToByte $_)) }

    # Display the certs


That looks a bit ... ugly, so I set out to improve it and ran into a surprising number of PowerShell issues:

  1. There's no easy method to convert a hex string to a byte array So we need a helper function, e.g. Convert-HexToByte from
  2. Constructing an X509Certificate2 object with a byte array is tricky, hence the complicated argument list.

Here's my PowerShell:

# Using tshark, extract the certificate(s) to an array of hex strings.  Note the display filter to select frames with a cert and the fields specifier to only output those fields and all occurrences of the field in the frame separated by a comma.  The string "split" method is used to chop the output into an array of hex strings:


$h = (tshark -r input.pcapng -Y tls.handshake.certificate -T fields -e tls.handshake.certificate -E occurrence=a -E "separator=,").split(",")


# Create new X509Certificate2 objects from the hex strings


$c = $h | ForEach-Object { New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 -ArgumentList @(,[byte[]]$(Convert-HexToByte $_)) }


# Display the certs

certs $c
