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It's an RPM spec file issue. If you installed it outside an RPM, then the spec file won't report it as working.

RHEL 8 does have a rubygems-asciidoctor RPM package, though it might be in EPEL.

When you say you did a ruby gem install, I assume that means you didn't install that package but instead installed via ruby. Im that case, you need to edit the spec file to remove the Depends line referring to asciidoctor.

It's an RPM spec file issue. If you installed it outside an RPM, then the dependencies in the spec file won't report it as satisfied through the package management system

RHEL 8 does have a rubygems-asciidoctor RPM package, though it might be in EPEL.

When you say you did a ruby gem install, I assume that means you didn't install that package but instead installed via ruby. Im that case, you need to edit the spec file to remove the Depends line referring to asciidoctor.