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Ethernet Frame capture problem !!


i will start by explaining what i'm trying to do with Wireshark. i'm working on implementing an Ethernet 802.3 driver on a Microcontroller (for this part every think work as it should) and this Micro is connected to PHY (Transceiver) to be able to transmit the Ethernet frame on the bus.

The Transceiver has a test mode that allow the test of the transmission and the reception of frame without the need of the Ethernet Bus by directly connecting the Tx output of the transceiver to the Rx input. i was able to make sure that the Transmission and the reception are working correctly.

i'm did not implement any TCp/IP or UDP stack until now and for testing i have a frame in this format:

| MAC Dest 6 Bytes | MAC Source 6 Bytes | Eth Type 2 Bytes (0x80)| Frame Data 46 Bytes | Check Sum 4 Bytes |

In the Frame data field i had just a counter form 1 to 46.

Now, What i'm trying to do is to transmit this frame format to my laptop and try to capture it with wireshark. but, when i search in the captured frames and filter it with the MAC address of my Micro i don't see any RX frame received from this MAC address.

My question is the fact that my frame format don't has any TCP/IP or UDP protocol Wireshark is not able to capture it or what ?

and what should i add to my frame to be able to test at least my reception.
