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Question about fragmentation packets


Hi all, I'm posting to know a header structure of fragmented packets.

and don't know how can i upload image and wireshark files so link my question as the below. (it's my blog and image, wireshark includes)

alt text 1~2 : fragmented packets

3~4 : fragmented packets

Header structure

1: IP/UDP/SIP (1500bytes = ip header 20bytes + payload 1480bytes)

2: IP/Data

3: IP/Data (1444bytes = ip header 20bytes + payload 1424bytes)


in my guess, 1's structure is same with 3 (and 2 is same with 4)

but 1's header structure isn't same with 3 (and 2 didn't with 4)

why wireshark shows like the above?

asked 20 Jan '14, 07:25

Ray_Han007's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Jan '14, 07:28

Just to answer that side question on how to upload a packet capture, one easy way to do that is cloudshark:

(20 Jan '14, 18:24) Quadratic

One Answer:


That happens because your Wireshark is doing IPv4 datagram reassembly, which means that it gathers all datagrams and displays them in a reassembled order.

To see the "real" packets you can turn that feature off. Go to Edit -> Preferences -> Protocols -> IPv4 and deselect "Reassemble fragmented IPv4 datagrams" (or something similar; these captions change sometimes depending on your version of Wireshark).

answered 20 Jan '14, 08:48

Jasper's gravatar image

Jasper ♦♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 21 Jan '14, 01:35

Hi Jasper thanks for your comments it's a great help to understand my question. and hope to have a good day!! Thanks

(20 Jan '14, 18:21) Ray_Han007