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the link type of interface X was not specified


I just installed 1.11.2 (SVN Rev 53411 from /trunk) for Windows from the download page and when trying to set a capture filter I get a popup with this message. A bit of searching seems to suggest this is bug 9473, which is fixed in revision 53581.

Has this bug fix been incorporated into the Windows version yet?

thanks, Greg Choules

asked 05 Dec '13, 02:28

gchoules's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


You'll need to download one of the automated builds that were made after revision 53581, there seems to be plenty of them. Note that these are on the "bleeding edge", so may have other issues. Have a look here for the files.

answered 05 Dec '13, 03:01

grahamb's gravatar image

grahamb ♦
accept rate: 22%

Note that these are on the "bleeding edge", so may have other issues.

Of course, that also applies to 1.11.x releases; they might be a little more stable than an automated build, but they're still development releases.

(06 Dec '13, 02:32) Guy Harris ♦♦