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Phone over Wireless - Having issues


Currently, I am trying to examine the packets my phone sends for certain applications.

My phone is a Galaxy S3, and it is set up so that it only uses my wireless network, but I cannot find any packets to/from the phone, even when I browse the web on it.

Am I chasing a dream here, or can this actually be done?

asked 21 Oct '13, 23:42

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Do you have any device to set the WiFi NIC to monitor mode? E.g. Linux or Mac? See:


If you have a Windows machine, where Wireshark is running on, most likely you wont be able to see the traffic of your S3, depending on the Wifi-NIC (Orinoco might work and some few others, I think).

(22 Oct '13, 00:56) franc

Alright, thanks. Don't have that set up, so I guess it's not happening now.

(22 Oct '13, 14:48) Keredar

Are you on Windows?

(23 Oct '13, 00:30) franc