Strange packets captured
Hello. I'm receiving strange packets. Does anybody have any idea what is it?
Thanks for uploading the file and making sure the picture is available. The only things I can deduct are:
Hope this helps a bit...
I don't know what that traffic is, but to take the discovery process a little further:
If you own/control, you could check to see if their is a UDP listener for that traffic coming in. If so, the name of the executable might give you a clue. As admin/root, in Linux, you could try
netstat -unlp
or in Windows,
netstat -p udp -nab
Since it is a Dell mac, I am assuming that it is not MacOS.
Look for UDP port 8999 in the results listing; is their an executable? If so, see if you can find where it came from. Maybe the folder it is in... or from Google.
Asked: 2019-06-02 18:34:22 +0000
Seen: 1,693 times
Last updated: Jun 02 '19
Not from a picture, and especially not from a picture that is no longer available. Could you upload the pcap file somewhere on a public share like dropbox, onedrive, etc and post the link here?
Oh, I'm sorry.