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how does wireshark support quic decryption

asked 2019-05-14 09:05:03 +0000

cibinjacobalex gravatar image

Hi All, I'm doing a project on quic, i'm really interested to learn more about quic and its multiple versions, does any one how wireshark is able to decryp the quic packets ? i have gone through multiple RFC versions and still not able to understand properly how we can decrypt. Any help would be much appreciated. Regards Cibin

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answered 2019-05-14 11:32:35 +0000

grahamb gravatar image

Use the source Luke, admittedly there is a lot of it, so to help you the dissector for QUIC is here.

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Thank you so much Grahamb, i have been looking at the code, how can i get more info on this function ? any idea where this function is defined/works.

  if (!tls13_get_quic_secret(pinfo, from_server, type, hash_len, secret)) {
         *error = "Secrets are not available";
         return FALSE;
cibinjacobalex gravatar imagecibinjacobalex ( 2019-05-17 10:38:04 +0000 )edit

Around line 3798 in packet-tls.c.

grahamb gravatar imagegrahamb ( 2019-05-17 10:42:50 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2019-05-14 09:05:03 +0000

Seen: 1,241 times

Last updated: May 14 '19