Why am I not seeing any interfaces other than USBPcap1 on Windows?
Hello all.
I am new to downloading, installing, and using WireShark. I would like to use it to monitor network traffic on my home wireless router and the devices that are connected to it.
I looked at a tutorial, and there are some videos on YouTube on "How To".
Well, right off the bat, one of the videos I saw on YouTube? The user interface does not resemble mine when launched. I believe I have the latest version of WireShark v 3.0.1 I used the feature "Help", "Check For Updates", and it came back as "You're Up To Date!".
Granted, this video I saw on YouTube goes back quite a few years (it's dated Sept. 4, 2015), so maybe the interface has changed in the intervening years.
Here's a link to the video I'm referring to: link text
After the video starts (around the 6 second mark), you see the left-hand side? Underneath "Interface List"? Down below you see a list of the Wi-Fi's; you could click on one then select Start.
Well, when I launch my WireShark, here's what it looks like: link text
So....did I do something wrong during the install? How do I get it to display properly so that I can select my home wireless network and then monitor its traffic, etc.?
Thanks for any info & help; Pez
Wireshark has evolved quite considerably since 2015, so any such "guides" from 2015 are likely to be out of date as far as how the UI looks. Indeed our own User Guide requires some updates.
One possible cause for lack of interfaces is that you haven't installed a capture library, Wireshark 3.x (on Windows) comes with npcap and when running the installer you can opt to not install it. Can you copy and paste (into your question or a comment) the contents of the Help -> About Wireshark -> Wireshark dialog as that shows the Wireshark environment including any capture library?
Hi grahamb; thanks for your reply.
OK, I navigated to where you said: Help -> About Wireshark ->
You also put "Wireshark dialog", but I didn't actually see anything spelled out as "Wireshark dialog", so when I go to "Help -> About Wireshark ->", I just Copied the contents of what was there. Here it is:
(more)The content you posted shows that you have npcap installed and that Wireshark has found it,
Running on ... libpcap version 1.9.0 (packet.dll version 0.992)
.So the issue is why npcap isn't reporting the interfaces you have. Can you run the following command in a cmd prompt and post the output:
Hi; thanks for getting back to me.
I ran the command line text in a CMD prompt; here's what came back:
So, I see the word "STOPPED"; why would that be....and how can I Start it? ;-) Pez