Problem tshark io,stat interval
Hi, I'm trying to get 1ms statistics for all packets with vlan priority = 2 in my capture. I use the command
tshark -n -q -r test.pcap -z "io,stat,0.001,vlan.priority==2"
But I get the following error:
tshark: invalid "-z io,stat,<interval>[,<filter>][,<filter>]...0" argument
The command with 1 second interval works fine. (tshark -n -q -r test.pcap -z "io,stat,1,vlan.priority==2"
What version of
are you running? Please provide tshark -v output. (This works fine for me using 2.6.6 on Windows 10.)This is the output for tshark -v. I work on a Linux system, Ubuntu 18.04