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Usb-Audio Midi dissector not working properly

asked 2019-02-13 15:58:53 +0000

swiftb0y gravatar image

updated 2019-02-13 16:33:42 +0000

I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I'm having an Issue with a USB Midi Controller (with integrated soundcard). It seems like Wireshark is unable to use the right dissector because it is unable to detect that the USB_Bulk messages are actually Midi and SysEx messages.
I would appreciate if somebody could help me resolve this issue.

Malformed Configuration Response:

Frame 572: 393 bytes on wire (3144 bits), 393 bytes captured (3144 bits) on interface 0
    bLength: 9
    bDescriptorType: 0x02 (CONFIGURATION)
    wTotalLength: 329
    bNumInterfaces: 6
    bConfigurationValue: 1
    iConfiguration: 0
    Configuration bmAttributes: 0xc0  SELF-POWERED  NO REMOTE-WAKEUP
    bMaxPower: 0  (0mA)
    bLength: 8
    bDescriptorType: 0x0b (INTERFACE ASSOCIATION)
    bFirstInterface: 0
    bInterfaceCount: 3
    bFunctionClass: Audio (0x01)
    bFunctionSubClass: 0x00
    bFunctionProtocol: 0x20
    iFunction: 0
    bLength: 9
    bDescriptorType: 0x04 (INTERFACE)
    bInterfaceNumber: 0
    bAlternateSetting: 0
    bNumEndpoints: 0
    bInterfaceClass: Audio (0x01)
    bInterfaceSubClass: 0x01
    bInterfaceProtocol: 0x20
    iInterface: 3
Class-specific Audio Control Interface Descriptor: Header Descriptor
    bLength: 9
    bDescriptorType: 0x24 (audio class interface)
    Subtype: Header Descriptor (0x01)
    Version: 2,00
Class-specific Audio Control Interface Descriptor
    bLength: 8
    bDescriptorType: 0x24 (audio class interface)
    Subtype: Unknown (0x0a)
    Not dissected yet (report to
        [Expert Info (Warning/Undecoded): Not dissected yet (report to]
            [Not dissected yet (report to]
            [Severity level: Warning]
            [Group: Undecoded]
Class-specific Audio Control Interface Descriptor
    bLength: 8
    bDescriptorType: 0x24 (audio class interface)
    Subtype: Unknown (0x0b)
    Not dissected yet (report to
        [Expert Info (Warning/Undecoded): Not dissected yet (report to]
            [Not dissected yet (report to]
            [Severity level: Warning]
            [Group: Undecoded]
Class-specific Audio Control Interface Descriptor: Input terminal descriptor
    bLength: 17
    bDescriptorType: 0x24 (audio class interface)
    Subtype: Input terminal descriptor (0x02)
    Terminal ID: 2
    Terminal Type: USB Streaming (0x0101)
    Assoc Terminal: 0
    Number Channels: 40
    Channel Config: 0x0004, Center Front
    Channel Names: 0
    Terminal: 0
Class-specific Audio Control Interface Descriptor: Output terminal descriptor
    bLength: 12
    bDescriptorType: 0x24 (audio class interface)
    Subtype: Output terminal descriptor (0x03)
    Terminal ID: 20
    Terminal Type: Speaker (0x0301)
    Assoc Terminal: 0
    Source ID: 2
    Terminal: 40
Class-specific Audio Control Interface Descriptor: Input terminal descriptor
    bLength: 17
    bDescriptorType: 0x24 (audio class interface)
    Subtype: Input terminal descriptor (0x02)
    Terminal ID: 1
    Terminal Type: Microphone (0x0201)
    Assoc Terminal: 0
    Number Channels: 40
    Channel Config: 0x0004, Center Front
    Channel Names: 0
    Terminal: 0
Class-specific Audio Control Interface Descriptor: Output terminal descriptor
    bLength: 12
    bDescriptorType: 0x24 (audio class interface)
    Subtype: Output terminal descriptor (0x03)
    Terminal ID: 22
    Terminal Type: USB Streaming (0x0101)
    Assoc Terminal: 0
    Source ID: 2
    Terminal: 40
    bLength: 9
    bDescriptorType: 0x04 (INTERFACE)
    bInterfaceNumber: 1
    bAlternateSetting: 0
    bNumEndpoints: 0
    bInterfaceClass: Audio (0x01)
    bInterfaceSubClass: 0x02
    bInterfaceProtocol: 0x20
    iInterface: 4
    bLength: 9
    bDescriptorType: 0x04 (INTERFACE)
    bInterfaceNumber: 1
    bAlternateSetting: 1
    bNumEndpoints: 1
    bInterfaceClass: Audio (0x01)
    bInterfaceSubClass: 0x02
    bInterfaceProtocol: 0x20
    iInterface: 4
Class-specific Audio Streaming Interface Descriptor: General AS Descriptor
    bLength: 16
    bDescriptorType: 0x24 (audio class interface)
    Subtype: General AS Descriptor (0x01 ...
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answered 2019-02-13 19:35:35 +0000

Guy Harris gravatar image

It seems like Wireshark is unable to use the right dissector because it is unable to detect that the USB_Bulk messages are actually Midi and SysEx messages. I would appreciate if somebody could help me resolve this issue.

The issue in question appears to be what is technically called a "bug", which means that the way to get the issue resolved is to file a "bug report" on the Wireshark "bug database", i.e. the Wireshark Bugzilla.

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Ok. Thank you I will do that.

swiftb0y gravatar imageswiftb0y ( 2019-02-13 22:01:03 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2019-02-13 15:58:53 +0000

Seen: 895 times

Last updated: Feb 13 '19