How can I filter packet bytes to display only certain messages...
I am trying to find a hex sequence within the packet bytes display using the "Find Packet" function. It works but shows all packets containing the hex sequence. Within a packet, I want it to only display the messages which contain the hex sequence and hide all messages which dont. Can I do this?
You'll need to be a bit more explicit about what you mean by "messages", it's possible that there's a better display filter you can use.
Apart from that "Find Packet" is doing what you asked, it finds a packet containing the hex sequence.
By a single message, I mean one line in the "Packet Bytes window" . My window has 419 lines
The "Find Packet" filter can't do that, as you haven't told it which element in the packet you wish to search in, which would cause the bytes for that element to be highlighted.
Again, what protocol are you using for and what elements in that protocol are you searching for?
This is UDP data. The data messages are CAN data, but I only want to search and display based on certain addresses(x08x0b)