Plugin not loading -Wireshark 2.9
I had a working plugin back on version 2.2; it was compiled under VS2015\Win7.
Recently I was attempting to adjust my plugin for the latest Wireshark (2.9) and Win10.
So I've downloaded the latest code and built the 64bit libs, and then I had my plugin compiled and linked with those libs.
(Had to do minor changes, and relocate my plugin to the plugins/2.9/epan folder for some reason)
Compilation went OK, no warnings, I've also placed a break point under
call, just to see that Wireshark is loading my plugin, and indeed Wireshark stopped its execution at my break point. However I could not point to my plugin in the User DLT table, I got a red error "dissector not found".
I really don't know how to debug this, any clue?
/* Partial code */
ProtoEssence = proto_register_protocol("My Protocol", "Protocol", "protocol" );
proto_register_field_array(ProtoEssence, pInfo->pRegInfo, pInfo->RegItemsCount);
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
register_dissector("protocol", dissect_ecpo1, ProtoEssence);
I can actually see my plugin version and name under Help -> About -> Plugins however, creating User 0 entry resulting in Wireshark not recognizing 'protocol' as registered dissector though everything looks right.
10x Eitan