PlayStation 4 voice chat not working on the network
I have a modem which has public ip address. When I hook up my PS4 to the modem directly the voice chat does work fine. But when I have a router between the modem and the PS4, it does not work. I have tried several routers, UPnP disable/enable, port forwarding to the PS4, DMZ etc... but nothing worked. So I attached WireShark to the WAN (eth0 )interface and captured the packets while I get connection error in PS4 voice chat. Then attached WireShark to the PS4's eth1 port on the router and captured the same fail in a different session.
Could you take a look to the both capture if you see any clues what could be wrong?
WAN - eth0:
PS4 - eth1:
Do you have a capture of when it is working?