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Force DPLAY dissector

asked Aug 29 '18

Hermann gravatar image


I am trying to examine the network traffic of an old DirectPlay 9 based game. The DPLAY dissector plugin is enabled, but it is not actually dissecting. I cannot even force it in the "Decode as…" dialouge since the dissector does not show up in the list. I did similar experiments a couple of years ago. Back then, everything worked out of the box. What am I doing wrong today?

In case it helps, I uploaded a capture containing some packets I want to have dissected:

Kind Regards

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answered Aug 29 '18

Guy Harris gravatar image

updated Aug 29 '18

The dissector is solely a heuristic dissector, so it's not one that can be used with "Decode as...".

The heuristic was broken by a change to optimize the heuristics (although I'm not sure whether the resulting code was measured as being faster). Please file a bug on this on the Wireshark Bugzilla, so we can record that it is buggy and track the process of fixing it; attach the capture file in question to the bug.

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Bug 15092 was raised for this and it was fixed in master by change 29351.

You can either grab an automated build, or wait for a new release of the version you're running (as long as it's a supported version). As we just released yesterday, it will probably be 6 weeks or so until the next release.

grahamb gravatar imagegrahamb ( Aug 30 '18 )

Wow, that was surprisingly fast! I just built from git. Working as intended. :) Thank you. 👍

Hermann gravatar imageHermann ( Aug 30 '18 )

That was another option which I'd left out!

grahamb gravatar imagegrahamb ( Aug 30 '18 )

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Asked: Aug 29 '18

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Last updated: Aug 29 '18