Can't see anything corresponding to the data packets in wireshark in monitor mode
Enabling the monitor mode while using rtl8812au, I can only see the RTS/CTS packets from different devices connected to the same router, I can't see anything regarding the normal packet request or response (like ACK or Seq no.). How can I see the headers corresponding to data packets?
OS, Wireshark, capture library version\info?
wireshark 2.6.1 running on top of Linux-4.4.0-133-generic
Do you mean that you only see frames where the Frame Control field indicates that they're RTS or CTS frames - no management or data frames - or do you mean that you do see data frames but aren't seeing the IP or TCP headers?
I can't see any data packets at all, only can see RTS/CTS in the frame control field.
Can you run 'iw list' and post the results? Also, have you tried a different adapter (such as a USB WiFi adapter) on the same system?