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Under what source folder is the code to edit the statistics tab of the UI?

asked 2018-07-06 14:05:37 +0000

mdog gravatar image

I am attempting to add functionality to the Wireshark UI, specifically I am trying to add extra options to the statistics window of the UI. What source folder is this code in and how difficult is the editing of there files?

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answered 2018-07-06 14:16:31 +0000

grahamb gravatar image

Have a look in ui\qt.

There are a number of statistics dialogs, which one are you interested in modifying?

Editing the files is easy. Modifying the code to compile and then do something useful is more difficult. If you're building Wireshark for the first time, please follow the Developers Guide exactly as written and make sure you can build the stock version before modifying anything.

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I am interested in merging some extra statistics tabs from version 1.9 of Wireshark. The older files were located in ui/gtk in 1.9 thus my wondering where the new ones were located. The older files were named proto_ find _ dropouts_dlg.c I have created dissectors before, but have no experience editing the gui portion of the code.

mdog gravatar imagemdog ( 2018-07-06 14:29:36 +0000 )edit

As GTK and Qt are totally different, not least in C vs C++, you'll have to work out how the GTK elements can be recreated using Qt elements in the new dialog. Basically the old dialog will only serve as an outline template.

grahamb gravatar imagegrahamb ( 2018-07-06 14:50:11 +0000 )edit

Ok thank you for the help! I wonder why the BACnet IP and MSTP statistics were removed from the older version, however, I will attempt to remedy this.

mdog gravatar imagemdog ( 2018-07-06 14:57:09 +0000 )edit

2.6.1 already has a BACnet "Packets sorted by IP" dialog, is that what you were looking for?

I can't see anything for MSTP, nor does it show up on the wiki page that listed the UI dialogs to be converted from GTK to Qt.

grahamb gravatar imagegrahamb ( 2018-07-06 15:15:36 +0000 )edit

Yes you are correct.

mdog gravatar imagemdog ( 2018-07-06 18:37:34 +0000 )edit

answered 2018-07-06 17:18:57 +0000

Guy Harris gravatar image

There has never been a source file named proto_find _dropouts_dlg.c in any official release of Wireshark, nor has there ever been an official Wireshark release with a version number of 1.9.

That must have been an unofficial addition somebody made; as it's a ".c" file, it's C code, not C++ code, and thus was written for the GTK+ user interface. It will need to be rewritten for the Qt user interface.

There is also no evidence of any MSTP statistics dialog in the source code for the GTK+ user interface; that may also have been an unofficial addition.

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Asked: 2018-07-06 14:05:37 +0000

Seen: 437 times

Last updated: Jul 06 '18