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Feature request or feature? IP/Port blocking

asked 2025-03-06 01:40:19 +0000

First I know this isn't a firewall. but If this program doesn't have these features, can we use this as feature reqeust? By default, whey doesn't this have a colum of resolved Destination name and/or resolved source name? I easly was able to filter by source address so I can see what all is going out. It should be easy to block ip/ports I have to copy the ip address and create a firewall blocking. Need a right click option to block this columns address/port It should have a column of program name. I have a program that shows the programt thats transmitting/receiving I need the ability to have "No Trust" to block everything until I clear the program/communication. At the least block all unknown/unresolved addresses. The point of this program is to Capture the program communicating and where its going and resolve the address. If this program won't/can't what program can? If there isn't a program, should this program do these things? Does anyone agree?

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answered 2025-03-06 07:33:57 +0000

Guy Harris gravatar image

First I know this isn't a firewall.

Correct. We also have minimal interest, if any, in making it a firewall.

Perhaps we could add a feature that writes out firewall rules, but that's probably all we'd do. Wireshark does not plug into the networking stack in a place where it could function as a firewall; it plugs in (via libpcap/Npcap) at a place where it can capture network traffic.

By default, whey doesn't this have a colum of resolved Destination name and/or resolved source name?

By default, it has a column that shows the source and destination, which are resolved if the user enabled name resolution and not resolved otherwise. If you want a column that's always resolved, you can add one.

Need a right click option to block this columns address/port It should have a column of program name.

We don't currently support associating packets with a program name.

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Tools -> Firewall ACL Rules

Chuckc gravatar imageChuckc ( 2025-03-06 12:49:23 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2025-03-06 01:40:19 +0000

Seen: 16 times

Last updated: 5 hours ago