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Different dissect results for tshark and Wireshark

asked 2025-03-05 09:11:53 +0000

Linxiao Yu gravatar image

updated 2025-03-06 01:48:59 +0000

Hi, everyone. I'm analyzing the same .pcapng file containing HTTP/2 packets with TShark and Wireshark. I've provided the SSL keylog file to Wireshark and the display filter applied is eq 9 and http2. Wireshark displays around 600 HTTP/2 packets.

However, when I use TShark to analyze the same packet with following command:

tshark -r .\ -o tls.desegment_ssl_records:TRUE -o tls.desegment_ssl_application_data:TRUE -o tls.keylog_file:keylog.txt -Y " eq 9 and http2" > tmp.txt

The result show only 80 HTTP/2 packets. And the dissection jumps from Frame 1333 to 5037, and many frames seem to be ignored (In Wireshark, there are many HTTP/2 frames between Frame 1333 and Frame 7813).

1333 2.019137925 → HTTP2 675 HEADERS[49]: GET /m-static/wp-brand/img/data_security.55b7de30.png, WINDOW_UPDATE[49] 5037 2.691110037 → HTTP2 89 WINDOW_UPDATE[0] 7813 3.160037061 → HTTP2 1466 Unknown type (48)[1496307833], Continuation Data 9492 3.436270868 → HTTP2 89 WINDOW_UPDATE[0]

I've searched a lot, and find here that it might need to enable two-pass scan to get a more exact results. However, when I pass -2 option to TShark, the results are still the same, which confuses me a lot.

Moreover, when I only use the display filter eq 9, the number of packets displayed by Wireshark and TShark are the same.

I've tried the TShark on different versions on both Linux and Windows, they lead to the same (incorrect) results. The .pcapng along with the keylog files are provided though the links. Any help or suggestion is appreciated!:)

Wireshark Version: Version 4.4.3 (v4.4.3-0-g66d7a52feb06). Windows TShark Version: TShark (Wireshark) 4.4.3 (v4.4.3-0-g66d7a52feb06). Ubuntu TShark Version: TShark (Wireshark) 4.4.2.

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Instead of using -o options to specify preferences, try specifying a profile to load with the -C option.
Check the Statusbar in the Wireshark gui to see which profile is being loaded.
tshark man page:

-C \<configuration profile\&gt;<="" p="">

Chuckc gravatar imageChuckc ( 2025-03-05 13:21:50 +0000 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2025-03-05 16:39:20 +0000

SYN-bit gravatar image

I suspect that somehow your Wireshark is using a different profile than your tshark (normally tshark should be using the last used Wireshark profile when run on the same system). As protocol preferences can have a big impact on dissection, I tried the preference tcp.reassemble_out_of_order:TRUE and got over 600 packets as a result, so I guess that setting is enabled when you run Wireshark, but is disabled when you run Tshark:

$ tshark -2 -r -o tcp.reassemble_out_of_order:TRUE -o tls.desegment_ssl_records:TRUE -o tls.desegment_ssl_application_data:TRUE -o tls.keylog_file:keylog.txt -Y " eq 9 and http2" | wc -l
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Discussion reopened in 440: UI: Add current profile to tshark/wireshark folder list of how to determine profile being used in tshark.

Chuckc gravatar imageChuckc ( 2025-03-05 17:17:19 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2025-03-05 09:11:53 +0000

Seen: 35 times

Last updated: 13 hours ago