The reason you are not finding any answers is that Windows with npcap is not suitable for professional use to collect 802.11/monitor mode captures.
Can you get a monitor mode frame into your Windows system with this? Maybe, with the correct adapter ( But it is not good enough for real usage - a host of issues arise like you can't change channels, extra data is added to each frame, can't decrypt what is captured, radiotap contains very little important information, etc. There was a sharkfest talk on this a few years back - probably available on youtube.
If you MUST use Windows, then use a third party collection tool like CommVIew for WiFi or Omnipeek, then you can still analyze in Wireshark if you want. CommView supports recent M.2 Intel wireless chips as well as recent WiFi6E USB adapters, too. It has its own issues, but the goal is to get something that is good enough to get the job done as perfection in this space is difficult to come by. Linux and (at least older) MacBooks make better capture systems for 802.11/monitor mode.
Raspberry PIs are reasonable remote capture devices but note at least up to RPI4, the broadcom wireless chip requires a non-typical kernel to enable monitor mode. Its not a great wireless chip, either, so its more of the RPI as a carrier platform - get a WLANPI ( where they marry the board to a better wifi chipset for monitor mode collection. If you want to try an RPI with the native chipset, I found Kali distro to come with the correct FW and kernel driver to enable monitor mode. Things may have gotten better with RPI5, but since moving to the WLANPI, no need to concern myself with the state since that solution is tailor mode for this work and does a nice enough job.
If you do find something and think it is good, let us know.
Nobody? Surely someone is using one in their windows laptop?
Since npcap has to talk to it, you might ask in their github issues,
It would not be internal but windows it is often easiest with a Raspberry Pi velcro'ed to the back and accessed over USB with sshdump or wifidump (Wireshark man pages)
I think the Pi's are limited to WiFi 5, (IEEE