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Looking for strategies when Lua dissectors are getting too big

asked 2025-01-08 00:04:35 +0000

tasty_sprout gravatar image

updated 2025-01-08 00:05:04 +0000

Hey there!

While working on my first dissector I hit Wireshark's and Lua's ressource constraints. I used up all the 200 local variables at ProtoFields, and from the looks I still have use for at least 200+ variables. At the moment the dissector has about 2000 lines of code, and I covered roughly 20% of the protocol.

I get error messages like these:

  • [..] too many local variables (limit is 200) ..
  • [..] function or expression too complex near ..

The second error is apparently from the Lua VM. According to this SO comment the Lua VM has (only) 255 registers:

There is potential to reduce the number of local variables within functions that get referenced by proto.dissector() - but the readability of the code will suffer, and I'm not sure if these non-ProtoField local variables are contributing to the exhaustion after all. Nevertheless such an optimization won't free nearly enough variables to cover the remaining 80% of the protocol.

I found this posting in which cmaynard suggested putting the variables in a Lua table but the example wasn't verbose enough for me to successfully apply. I tried putting ProtoFields in a table but I failed unpacking the content in proto.fields = {}. :(

So what are the/my options to successfully implement such a variable-heavy protocol in Wireshark?

  • Break up the dissector and write a dissector for each component of the protocol?
  • Use global variables instead of local vars?
  • [Your brilliant suggestions here :) ]

Thank you and have a nice day!

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1 Answer

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answered 2025-01-08 15:22:00 +0000

cmaynard gravatar image

Regarding " I used up all the 200 local variables at ProtoFields, and from the looks I still have use for at least 200+ variables." ...

You can use a table to group them all into a single variable, for example, a snippet from the Guacamole dissector I wrote and published on the Wireshark wiki:

-- Fields
local pf = {
    length = ProtoField.uint32("guacp.len", "Length", base.DEC, nil, 0, "The length of the message"),
    instructions = ProtoField.uint32("guacp.instructions", "Instructions", base.DEC, nil, 0, "The number of instructions"),
    instruction = ProtoField.bytes("guacp.instruction", "Instruction", base.NONE),

-- Register protocol fields
p_guacp.fields = pf

And an example usage:

local function dissect_instruction(tvbuf, pinfo, tree, offset, count)
    local instr_tree

    instr_tree = tree:add(pf.instruction, tvbuf(offset, (off + 1) - offset)):set_text("Instruction " .. count .. ": ")

end -- dissect_instruction()

Maybe see how far you get with this idea and reply again if you're still hitting resource limits?

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Thank you so much! Your verbose example really got me going again!

The only hick-up I experienced was with a couple of global ProtoFields variables that couldn't be placed inside the local pf table. But once I defined them outside the table and added each of them with

table.insert(p_guacp.fields, global_proto_fields_var_name)
-- I'm using p_guacp here to relate to the example code above.

everything went smooth again. I would have loved to put the global vars also inside a table (like the local vars in your example) and then concatenated this table to the p_guacp.field table but I couldn't find an elegant way to do that, so I sticked with table.insert() although it is a little tedious.

I'll leave the question open for now because I'm still interested if someone wants to share strategies on how to deal (best) with protocols that ...(more)

tasty_sprout gravatar imagetasty_sprout ( 2025-01-10 22:24:25 +0000 )edit

If I understand you correctly, you could add a table concatenation function, such as the one given in the top answer at, pasted here for convenience:

function TableConcat(t1,t2)
    for i=1,#t2 do
        t1[#t1+1] = t2[i]
    return t1

Once you have that, then just call it to combine both the local protocol fields table and the global protocol fields table into a single table, e.g.:

p_guacp.fields = TableConcat(pf, global_pf)
cmaynard gravatar imagecmaynard ( 2025-01-13 16:56:48 +0000 )edit

I suppose I'm a little spoiled from using Python so much in the past ;D Having to write a custom function for smushing two tables needs some adjusting to :D Thank you so much, again!

tasty_sprout gravatar imagetasty_sprout ( 2025-01-14 05:10:44 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2025-01-08 00:04:35 +0000

Seen: 133 times

Last updated: Jan 08