Compared two capture files, different timestamps

asked 2024-12-11 19:21:11 +0000

war4peace gravatar image

Hello everyone,

I will start with the problem:

My main PC is connected to my home network via a wireless adapter. Every 6 minutes, there is a ping / lag spike for roughly 10 seconds, consisting in two "humps". This impacts online games, mainly, and it has been an infuriating problem for a few months already.

I have tested on another PC and the problem doesn't manifest there. Then, I started closing active applications and shutting down services until I ended up with pretty much nothing else than the Operating System. Sometimes the problem goes away and I say "Ahh, it must be application A", but then, after a restart, if I close the application A, the problem persists, then I repeat the steps above and end up with application B being the culprit, which then turns out it's not, because the issue rears its ugly head again.

So I installed Multiping to monitor and obtain timestamps, then Wireshark to filter packets according to those timestamps.

Now, I ended up with two exported captures, which are 168 and 158 packets long, respectively.

...And this is where I am a bit stuck. I am not a networking expert by any means, but I have checked those capture files and compared them, and to my knowledge there is nothing that stands out.

Therefore, I am stuck. Maybe someone with more knowledge could take a look? I would very much appreciate the insight. As I said, the captures are not very long and they seem rather straightforward to me.

Thank you for your replies!

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