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data.text is only showing single characters

asked 2024-12-10 08:37:59 +0000


I am trying to get the data field of some telegramms as text format. When I activate the setting show data as text and create the "data.text" row, I only get some characters but the rest is missing.

Example: From the data "37:00:00:00:03:53:45:4c:45:43:54:20:41:64:72:65:73:73:65:2c:20:47:4b:20:46:52:4f:4d:20:61:75:73:77:65:69:73:64:61:74:65:69:20:57:48:45:52:45:20:41:64:72:65:73:73:65:20:3d:20:39" I get only "7".

I understand this is due to the "00:00:00" but is there a way to ignore that? I read some writing their own dissector but I don't know how. I just want all the data in the packet bytes pane as text to export it in CSV.


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Is this something you want from the gui or would like to script with tshark?

Chuckc gravatar imageChuckc ( 2024-12-10 15:02:39 +0000 )edit

In the end I just want to have the data as text. In the gui as a new row would be nice but having this as a csv file generated through a script would also be sufficient. Right now I just export the data as csv and convert it in a hex editor to text. It would help a lot if this would work inside of wireshark.

Giutaro gravatar imageGiutaro ( 2024-12-11 12:42:55 +0000 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2024-12-24 18:34:57 +0000

Chuckc gravatar image

Save to your "Personal Lua Plugins" folder as a ".lua" file.

-- 241222_data_strings.lua - change non-printable characters to "."
-- Based on EASYPOST.lua

-- Step 1 - document as you go. See header above and set_plugin_info().
local easypost_info =
    version = "1.0.0",
    author = "Good Coder",
    description = "Important EASYPOST stuff",
    repository = "Floppy in top drawer"


-- Step 2 - create a protocol to attach new fields to
local easypost_p ="easypost","Important EASYPOST Protocol")

-- Step 3 - add some field(s) to Step 2 protocol
local pf = { payload = ProtoField.string("easypost.payload", "EASYPOST string") }

easypost_p.fields = pf

-- Step 4 - create a Field extractor to copy packet field data.
easypost_payload_f ="")

-- Step 5 - create the postdissector function that will run on each frame/packet
function easypost_p.dissector(tvb,pinfo,tree)
    local subtree = nil

    -- copy existing field(s) into table for processing
    finfo = { easypost_payload_f() }

    if (#finfo > 0) then
        if not subtree then
            subtree = tree:add(easypost_p)
        for k, v in pairs(finfo) do
            -- process data and add results to the tree
            local field_data = v.range:bytes():raw()
            local field_str = string.gsub(field_data, '[%z]', ".")
            subtree:add(pf.payload, field_str)

-- Step 6 - register the new protocol as a postdissector

Frame 1: 101 bytes on wire (808 bits), 101 bytes captured (808 bits) on interface Fake IF, Import from Hex Dump, id 0
Ethernet II, Src: Send_00 (20:53:45:4e:44:00), Dst: Receive_00 (20:52:45:43:56:00)
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 1234, Dst Port: 0
Data (59 bytes)
    Data: 370000000353454c45435420416472657373652c20474b2046524f4d206175737765697364617465692057484552452041647265737365203d2039
    [Length: 59]
Important EASYPOST Protocol
    EASYPOST string: 7...\x03SELECT Adresse, GK FROM ausweisdatei WHERE Adresse = 9
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Asked: 2024-12-10 08:37:59 +0000

Seen: 201 times

Last updated: Dec 24 '24