How to figure out what manufacturer/what device this unnamed mac adr is from?

asked 2024-11-15 19:36:37 +0000

I have an unnamed mac adress here, from a BLE device and I want to find out the manufacturer is and best also what device it is tied to.

How can this be possible?

Example: 74:E6:CE:28:2F:86

Please help.

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Chuckc gravatar imageChuckc ( 2024-11-15 23:33:19 +0000 )edit

Anyone knows?

userquestion321 gravatar imageuserquestion321 ( 2024-11-21 17:07:29 +0000 )edit

It's very difficult to understand exactly what you mean from your question. Is the "Example" the actual MAC address you want to determine? That address doesn't use a registered OUI, so it's not possible to tell. As Chuckc says, in Bluetooth MAC address randomization is commonly used and would defeat a normal lookup.

It can in some cases be possible to determine some additional information with analytics on a broader set of captures, but not from just doing a lookup with the address if that's all you have.

johnthacker gravatar imagejohnthacker ( 2024-11-22 13:23:04 +0000 )edit

when I search for ble devices in the area and have a couple of unnamed MACs - the need was there to figure out what devices they are actually coming from. Showing indepth information. How is that possible?

userquestion321 gravatar imageuserquestion321 ( 2024-11-24 14:39:48 +0000 )edit