How to figure out what manufacturer/what device this unnamed mac adr is from?
I have an unnamed mac adress here, from a BLE device and I want to find out the manufacturer is and best also what device it is tied to.
How can this be possible?
Example: 74:E6:CE:28:2F:86
Please help.
Address randomization ?
Bluetooth Technology Protecting Your Privacy
Apple: Bluetooth security
Anyone knows?
It's very difficult to understand exactly what you mean from your question. Is the "Example" the actual MAC address you want to determine? That address doesn't use a registered OUI, so it's not possible to tell. As Chuckc says, in Bluetooth MAC address randomization is commonly used and would defeat a normal lookup.
It can in some cases be possible to determine some additional information with analytics on a broader set of captures, but not from just doing a lookup with the address if that's all you have.
when I search for ble devices in the area and have a couple of unnamed MACs - the need was there to figure out what devices they are actually coming from. Showing indepth information. How is that possible?